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Welcome To Abuja Real Estate Network

Let’s find you the perfect place


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Buy a New Home

AREN is a one-stop property solution for all your home buying needs — whether you're looking for a Residential or commercial property, either to live in, do business or as an investment; we have got te right place for you.

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Sell a Home

Using the state of art technology and the right team, learn how to sell your home using advanced technology that connects you with buyers in real-time.

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Rent a Home

Explore rentals on AREN. Browse homes or apartments for rent and local insights to find the right property for you.


Our Main Speciality




We're on a Mission to Change the View of RealEstate Field.

AREN is a community of people coming together to be in company of people like themselves. Who believe they belong together because they share the same values and beliefs; and have also decided to push boundaries to share their love and passion for the real estate industry. The platform enables their users quickly browse through Residential and commercial properties for rent, sale, or lease. It is said that the strongest relationships are built over time. AREN helps its members build strong relationships, and also help its members identify interesting and relevant opportunities

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AREN is a real estate platform where users can quickly browse through properties (Residential and commercial) for rent, sale or lease.


FCT, Abuja Nigeria


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